
时间:2022-06-08 09:08:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

#少儿英语# 导语】孩子想要提高自己的英语知识,最简单的方法就是练听力和口语,因为听力和英语口语是最基本的,而听力和口语提升最快的方法就是复读听写,听念复读就是说反复去听这些英语单词,听写就是听了英语单词和英语句型然后写下来,听念就是听了默默跟着念一遍,然后再越念越大声,越念越清晰,越念越快速。听写是精听,要听出每一句话的意思,观看英语影视剧不能只看剧情和中文字幕,应该好好研究英文,是全部都能不看中文字幕就理解。 下面是®文档大全网为您整理的《儿童英语简短爆笑小笑话》,仅供大家参考。



Teacher: Can you make a sentence with the word "egg"?

Student: Yes. I ate a piece of cake yesterday.

Teacher: Then where is the "egg"?

Student: In the cake, Sir.






Who Is the Laziest 谁最懒

Father: Well, Tom, I asked to your teacher today, and now I want to ask you a question. Who is the laziest person in your class?

Tom: I don't know, father.

Father: Oh, yes, you do! Think! When other boys and girls are doing and writing, who sits in the class and only watches how other people work?

Tom: Our teacher, father.






The boy and the snails 男孩和蜗牛

A farmer's boy went looking for snails, and, when he had picked up both his hands full, he set about making a fire at which to roast them; for he meant to eat them. When it got well alight and the snails began to feel the heat, they gradually withdrew more and more into their shells with the hissing noise they always make when they do so. When the boy heard it, he said, "You abandoned creatures, how can you find heart to whistle when your houses are burning?"



A Smart Parrot 聪明的鹦鹉

A curious guy goes to a pet shop to buy a parrot. There he sees a parrot with a red string tied to its left leg and a green string tied to it's right leg. He asks the owner the significance of the strings1. "Well, this is a highly trained parrot. If you pull the red string he speaks French; if you pull the green string he speaks German," replies the shop keeper.

"And what happens if I pull both the strings?" our curious shopper inquires.

"I fall off my perch2 you fool!!" screeches3 the parrot.

有个人去宠物店买鹦鹉。在那里,他看见有只鹦鹉的左腿被红线系住,右腿则被绿线系住。对此他感到不解,于是他问该店的老板,老板回答说:“这只鹦鹉受过特殊的训练。如果拉红线,它就讲 法语,拉绿线,它则讲德语。”




A small boy was looking at the red ripe tomatoes growing in the farmer's garden.

"I'll give you my two pennies for that tomato," said the boy pointing to a beautiful, large, ripe fruit hanging on the vine.

"No," said the farmer, "I get a dime for a tomato like that one."

The small boy pointed to a smaller green one, "Will you take two pennies for that one?"

"Yes," replied the farmer, "I'll give you that one for two cents."

"OK," said the lad, sealing the deal by putting the coins in the farmer's hand, "I'll pick it up in about a week."

