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  A US dog lover bought her pampered French Poodle its own bathroom complete with a specially commissioned£500 painting.
  The dog, named Pierre Deux, lives in an Indianapolis apartment with owners Ilia and James Macdonald. His toilet lid is wrapped in aqua chiffon with a purple feather boa border and the room is decorated with flower petals and a picture of Pierre's girlfriend, Gigi. He relieves himself on disposable nappies left on the floor.
  "He's my baby, so he deserves the best," she told the Indiana


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  【#英语资源# 导语】阅读英语美文会给大家带来与众不同的感受,多读英语也有利于提升我们的英语能力,欢迎阅读©文档大全网为大家精心整理的“英语美文:《大石块》”!更多相关讯息请关注©文档大全网!

The big rocks
One day an expert in time management was speaking to a group of business students and, to drive home a point, used an illustration those students will never forget. As he stood in front of the group of high-powered over-achievers he said, "Okay, time for a quiz.” Then he pulled out a one-gallon, wide-mouthed Mason jar and set it on the table in front of him. He then produced about a dozen fist-si


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【#英语资源# 导语】英语美文诵读有利于培养学生的英语语感,提高学生表达的准确性,丰富学生的英语口头表达内容,发展学生的英语听、说、写能力。以下是由®文档大全网分享高中励志英语美文,希望可以帮助大家!


  Be good to everyone who becomes attached to us; cherish every friend who is by our side;


  love everyone who walks into our life.


  It must be fate to get acquainted in a huge crowd of people…


  I feel, the love that Osho talks about, maybe is a kind of pure love beyond the mundane world, which is full of divinity and caritas, and overflow


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【#英语资源# 导语】在英语教学中,开展经典美文教学不仅能提高学生的文学水平,而且能提高学生的语文素养,对培养学生的语言素养和人文素养具有极大益处,更能丰富学生的精神世界,磨炼学生的意志。本文是由©文档大全网整理的关于经典英语美文,希望对大家有帮助!


  The Historical Significance of American Revolution

  The ways of history are so intricate and the motivations of human actions so complex that it is always hazardous to attempt to represent events covering a number of years, a multiplicity of persons, and distant localities as the expression of one intellectual or social movement; yet the historical process which culminated


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【#英语资源# 导语】摘抄要真正提高习作水平,必须做到多读精思,多思多写。以下是由®文档大全网分享的超经典英语美文,希望可以帮助大家!


  The summer before fifth grade, my world was turned upside down when my family moved from the country town where I was born and raised to a town near the beach. When school began, I found it difficult to be accepted by the kids in my class who seemed a little more sophisticated, and who had been in the same class together since first grade.

  I also found this Catholic school different from the public school I had attended. At my old school


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【#英语资源# 导语】©文档大全网为大家整理了美文赏析:就为了今天(Just For Today),敬请欣赏。更多内容尽在©文档大全网。

  Just for today I will try to live through this day only and not solve my whole life problem at once. I can do something for twelve hours that would appall me if I had to keep it up for a lifetime.


  Just for today I will be happy. This assumes to be true what Abraham Lincoln said,that "Most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be."



【dyfwdq.com - 第一范文网】

【#英语资源# 导语】英语美文的阅读有助于我们对英语知识的学习,提升我们的英语能力,以下“英语美文:肇事的兔子”由©文档大全网整理发布,欢迎阅读参考!更多相关讯息请关注©文档大全网!

The Rabbits Who Caused All the Trouble

Within the memory of the youngest child there was a family of rabbits who lived near a pack of wolves. The wolves announced that they did not like the way the rabbits were living. (The wolves were crazy about the way they themselves were living, because it was the only way to live.) One night several wolves were killed in an earthquake and this was blamed on the rabbits, for it is w


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  Stay True to Yourself
  But my idea of success is different today. And as you grow, you'll realise the definition of success changes. For many of you, today, success is being able to hold down 20 shots of tequila. For me, the most important thing in your life is to live your life with integrity, and not to give into peer pressure; to try to be something that you're not. To live your life as an honest and compassionate person; to contribute in some way. So to conclude my conclusion: follow your Passion, stay


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【#写作翻译# 导语】对于大部分的中国学生来说,由于语言环境的缺乏,阅读是他们接触英语的主要途径。因此,在英语教学中,培养学生的阅读技能以提高其自主阅读的能力极其重要。下面是®文档大全网带来的短篇英语美文摘抄,欢迎阅读!


网络工作者的自由生活The Free Life of the Internet Worker

He works ten hours a day, makes more than US $98,000 a year, doesn't bother to take holidays, dresses as the please. He's never been happier and is looking for another job. This 33 - year-old white, university-educated person is the typical internet worker, according to a study by the industry standard, a San Francisco- based news magazine.



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【#英文写作翻译# #英语美文短篇摘抄#】美文有利于心灵的陶冶,阅读英语美文,不仅陶冶心身还可以学习英语。以下是由®文档大全网为大家整理的英语美文短篇摘抄,欢迎大家阅读。

1.英语美文短篇摘抄 篇一

  Who you are speaks so loudly I can't hear what you're saying.

  --Ralph Waldo Emerson

  It was a sunny Saturday afternoon in Oklahoma City. My friend and proud father Bobby Lewis was taking his two little boys to play miniature golf. He walked up to the fellow at the ticket counter and said, "How much is it to get in?"

  The young man replied, "$3.00 for you and $3.00 for any kid who is older than six. We let them in free